

如有需求,欢迎来电垂询 缑先生

General Purpose RTD's

rtds.JPG - 15.2 K
rtds-line2.gif - 2.8 K
rtds-line1.gif - 2.0 K

RTD Elements

RTD Temperature Transmitters

line-rtd-temp-trans.gif - 9.1 K

General Purpose Thermocouples (Mg0)

thermo.JPG - 12.5 K

thermcoup-line1.gif - 2.8 K

thermcoup-line2.gif - 2.3 K

Ceramic Beaded Elements

thermcoup-line3.gif - 1.8 K

Special Purpose Sensors

thermcoup-line5.gif - 2.4 K
thermcoup-line4.gif - 2.0 K

Threaded and Flanged Thermowells

protect.JPG - 15.8 K
line-thermo-flang-256.GIF - 34.7 K
Stepped.gif - 2.9 K
line-thermo-flang2.gif - 2.6 K

Metal Protection and Ceramic Tubes

line-thermo-ceramic.GIF - 6.6 K
thermo-line4.gif - 4.0 K

