

如有需求,欢迎来电垂询  缑先生

SLZ 630-1000 kN

Technical data:

Dimensions and weight of standard cylinders without valve unit:

- Sizes: 630/1000 kN
- Base ?: 470 mm
- Height: 705/1050 mm
- Stroke: 100/250 mm
- Weight: 500/730 kg

SLZ 250-400 kN

Technical data:

Dimensions and weight of standard cylinders without valve unit:

- Sizes: 250/400 kN
- Base ?: 370 mm
- Height: 605/905 mm
- Stroke: 100/250 mm
- Weight: 295/560 kg

SLZ 100-160 kN

Dimensions and weight of standard cylinders without valve unit:

- Sizes: 100/160 kN
- Base ?: 275 mm
- Height: 605/905 mm
- Stroke: 605/905mm
- Weight: 155/240 kg

SLZ 10-63 kN

Technical data:

Dimensions and weight of standard cylinders without valve unit:

- Sizes: 10/16/25/40/63 kN
- Base ?: 205 mm
- Height: 479/539/829 mm
- Stroke: 40/100/250 mm
- Weight: 35/38/65 kg


MSLZ 7-15.8 kN

Dimensions and weight of standard cylinders without valve unit:

- Sizes: 5/15.8 kN
- Base: 86x88 mm
- Height: 209.5/263.5/363.5 mm
- Stroke: 20/50/100 mm
- Weight: 6.3/8.3/11.6 kg

Torsional Servo-Cylinder (SDZ)

Design variant:
Fixed or rotating

Nominal torque: 1-64 kNm 
Torsional angle of travel: max. 100°
Amplitude: max. ± 50 °

Custom Designs
